JUSTICE, for the murder a defenceless woman and a degree of comfort for her family.
The Rebel.
just read on sky news that pistorius' charge has been changed to murder by the appeals court, on the basis that: .
"pistorius must have foreseen that firing into the toilet would likely have killed whoever was inside - but he went ahead anyway".
quite right too imo, he should go back to prison now.
JUSTICE, for the murder a defenceless woman and a degree of comfort for her family.
The Rebel.
john cedars has posted his latest blog "the trouble with apostates (and why it shouldn't put you off becoming one)".
i acknowledge that he is entitled to his opionin just as we are ours but i am disappointed in some of his comments.. at this stage i'll try to be objective about it.
he is defending his own position after all.. what bothers me most is his comments about athiests and christians which he seems to identify as being in conflict with each other.
I think it's important to remember that bias does not nessesairly support a message being false or unfair. For example:-
A) Depending on what newspaper you read, will determine what political bias you read.
B) All newspapers realise good news is boring so they present bad news, which makes the world look a more dangerous place than it is. Which is clearly biased, but also very different from saying the message is false.
My personal option of Cedars website is that it is not for me, however like with newspapers I have plenty of choices available.
The Rebel.
pretty obvious, we've deforested the planet so much it cant clean the air, we've polluted the water so much its not fit to drink, we've poisoned the soil so much it cant grow food, we use so many chemicals, its killing off the insects who pollinate.
so while on post on this site claims the end of freedom for mankind, by way of evil governments, .
Sowhatnow:- "It seems the "end" may come by way of humans stupidity,not a plan of a god"
The Rebel (A) Personally I think over-population is the biggest threat to humanity, combined with human greed.
The Rebel.
and on this thread i want you to open your case against the governing body.. to make this fair i must select a jury.
i would therefore ask any lurking witnesses to be part of that jury.
now i would like court to begin and the prosecution to bring the charges against the " self called representives of jehover god".
Well in view of the lack of response to G.B members crimes I find them not guilty on all charges, except for being good for nothing rat bags,
The Rebel.
and with it the language in the w.t loosing its authority?.
i ask the question because, with the g.b now appearing before members on their social media, and reluctantly on royal commissions my opinion is :-.
a) the g.b can no longer hide like wells's invisible man.
I look forward to the day in the not to distant future, when G.B members can only give talks to empty stadiums at conventions and say :-
" What a wonderful audience- if my memory serves me correct"
The Rebel.
it was always boring, and i was afraid that i was gonna get attacked by a dog.
i actually almost got attacked by a rottweiler once.
i didnt get paid for it, nobody listened to us, i actually had guys make passes at me while i was out doing street corner, i was always afraid i would get grouped and raped.
Joliette " I never understood field service...."
The Rebel:- I never understood my magazine placements:-
I've got a brilliant watchtower for you this week. Brilliant. The best ever. Please pay particular attention to page 15 where we present even more reasons why Jehover will destroy you and your family if you don't convert.....see you in two weeks time, oh I forgot to mention the magazine is free of charge but not free of cost"
The Rebel.
and on this thread i want you to open your case against the governing body.. to make this fair i must select a jury.
i would therefore ask any lurking witnesses to be part of that jury.
now i would like court to begin and the prosecution to bring the charges against the " self called representives of jehover god".
It is only fitting that Mr Geoffrey Jackson of the G.B should be allowed to respond to Mr Ex Elder P Jacksons ( alias punkofnice) rude and malicious comments.
Mr Geoffrey Jackson your response please.
" I'm sorry M'Lord but I've forgotten the accusation, but all I can say is that with all " modesty" the excellence of my credentials and character are beyond reproach. I would also submit " punkofnice" doesn't know what he is talking about. Finally I would also add that on any nights in question when myself and my G.B members were engaged in incriminating sexual activities, we also had 9 million enterprising publishers making money for us....We are therefore extremely cross our mouth piece for being spokesmen for God has been bought in to question. As I have a sick father to attend I am unable to answer anymore questions.
Case closed.
p.s may I have the photos of myself engaging in incriminating sexual activities back.
The Rebel.
and on this thread i want you to open your case against the governing body.. to make this fair i must select a jury.
i would therefore ask any lurking witnesses to be part of that jury.
now i would like court to begin and the prosecution to bring the charges against the " self called representives of jehover god".
Thank you for your comment Punk.
Members of the jury ( Lurkers in good standing) I would like to point out that some of the accusations presented by punk in this court whilst sensational, may also be true.
The Rebel.
and on this thread i want you to open your case against the governing body.. to make this fair i must select a jury.
i would therefore ask any lurking witnesses to be part of that jury.
now i would like court to begin and the prosecution to bring the charges against the " self called representives of jehover god".
and on this thread I want you to open your case against the Governing Body.
To make this fair I must select a jury. I would therefore ask any lurking witnesses to be part of that jury. Now I would like court to begin and the prosecution to bring the charges against the " self called representives of Jehover God"
I will begin by asking G.B member Mr Jackson. " are you a good for nothing old rat bag?" And the evasive answer of "MIGHT BE" doesn't count. Furthermore in your defence Mr Jackson I believe all posts on this thread should be fair and balanced ....now where do we start:-
Q) Mr Jackson when you said under oath at the Royal Commission " it would be presumptous" to claim you had direction from Jehover, God were you infact saying you are a good for nothing old rat bag?
Further charges to follow.....
and with it the language in the w.t loosing its authority?.
i ask the question because, with the g.b now appearing before members on their social media, and reluctantly on royal commissions my opinion is :-.
a) the g.b can no longer hide like wells's invisible man.
Zoos thanks for the reply.
Now if the Watchtower were to collapse even the G.B will need new employment.
So what makes a G.B members C.V?
Name. Geoffrey Jackson.
Sex: Male
Education: None
Other important information.
Desperately concerned about the poor, but more concerned about negotiating property deals.
Main interest , employing lawyers to get me out of trouble for making inflationary comments about child abuse, people's sexual preference,and my interpretation of the bible.
Additional information:- I am super Pious,(I mean humble) and the envy of a world wide cult that has no education and are as deluded as me.
The Rebel.